After school clubs
(booking only / regular attendance)
Wednesdays: Secondary Homework Club 3-4pm (except last week of term)
Thursdays: Secondary Music Club 3-4pm (last half of each term, up until Assembly)
Weds 26th March: N-Y2 Trip to My Wendy House
Wed 2nd & Thurs 3rd April: Y10-Y11 Geography Residential
Wednesday 18th June: Secondary Alton Towers
Other key dates
Tuesday 25th March: Primary Parents' Evening 3.10pm onwards (appt only)
Tuesday 25th March: Y9 Options Meeting (online) 7pm
Thursday 27th March: Non Uniform day (see email for details)
Tuesday 1st April: Y9 Parents' Evening 3.15pm onwards (appt only)
April/May/June: GCSE Exam period
Dates will be officially communicated by email/letter to parents, including any changes.
For term holidays & Inset days, please scroll down to our School Calendar below.