Student Placements & Work Experience

Student Placements Process
(for anyone studying at College or University)

Please email the school Office to ask for a Student Placement Application Form to complete and return.  This gathers key contact information and details on your placement requirements and what days you can do.

The completed form will be reviewed by our Senior Leadership team. They may request to meet / interview you beforehand.

On approval we must obtain Safer Recruitment checks by your college/uni contact. These checks are to ensure you are safe to work with children in our setting.  This will include a DBS check, Health check and other checks as relevant.  We ask that all DBS are enhanced with child barred check where relevant - if this is not the case please discuss this with our school. We will also need to see the original certificate.

If you are on the Update service, we ask your permission to check this by taking your DBS certificate number and DOB.  Your oringal certificate must match the details on the Update service. 

As a Student you will need to complete our Student placement agreement, Contact form and any other applicable forms under Safer Recruitment checks before we can offer a start date.


Work Experience:
(this is for anyone wanting own work experience, not as part of any course or study, maybe to gain skills to get into the field of work or they are self-employed looking into new work etc)

If you are wanting your own Work Experience you will need to email the school for a Work Experience Application Form. This form gathers key contact information and details on your requirements and what days you can do.

The completed form will be reviewed by our Senior Leadership team. They may request to meet / interview you beforehand.

On approval will we then need to do our Safer recruitment checks such as DBS, Health & Self DEclaration forms and any other applicable checks to ensure you are safe working with our children. 

You will also then complete our Work experience agreement, Contact form and any other applicable forms under Safer Recruitment checks.. 

A DBS must be obtained / paid for by you - we require all Persons working here to have an Enhanced check, plus the child barred check where applicable.  As an umbrella body we can do a DBS check with you but you must pay for it. 

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