If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.’ Nelson Mandela.
Choosing to speak another’s language (however much or little) is a sign of love: demonstrating humility, respect and generosity.
Spanish is the main Modern Foreign Language (MFL) at Trinity because:
- Pronunciation is mainly intuitive for English speakers (‘Say what you see!’)
- Many UK residents choose to holiday in mainland Spain, The Balearic Islands or The Canaries
- It is the number one language spoken in the Caribbean, Central & South America>
- It allows pupil to access so much cultural capital because of its influence geographically and historically.
Key Stage 3
Pupils cover a range of topics that help them to express themselves, learn about others and the world we share.
Autumn 1a |
Autumn 1b |
Spring 2a |
Spring 2b |
Summer 3a |
Summer 3b |
Year 7: |
Vamos Let’s go España, español, y los famosos |
En el insti At school -¡Feliz Navidad!
Mi familia My family Paddington es de Péru. |
En casa At home >-¡Mi casa es su casa! ¡Feliz Pascua! |
El tiempo libre Free-time Los deportistas españoles. |
En la ciudad In town Sevilla |
Year 8: |
La gente People La gente que habla español.
Vamos a salir Let’s go out -¡Prospero año nuevo! |
Mis vacaciones My holidays Cuba y el RD
La comida Food -¡Buen aprovecho! ¡Qué aproveche! La Cuaresma |
De moda Fashion Argentina |
Barcelona Cataluña |
Year 9: |
Los medios de comunicación Media Los actores que hablan español. |
El insti School El día de los Reyes Magos |
La salud Health - Mejorate pronto! San Fermín |
Ganarse la vida Making a living Poner las manos a lo obra y mantenerse a la cabreza La Semana Santa |
Hispanoamérica Latin America Así es la vida!¡ |
Intro to GCSE |
Misunderstandings and mistakes create learning opportunities at every phase and are a crucial part of the process, so there is a ‘can-do’ attitude to every task and opportunities for further achievement are always available. Learners are encouraged to use the Target Language as the main language for communication in the classroom and outside of it wherever possible!
Language learning at Trinity deals with phonics, vocabulary and grammar and pupils are expected to become competent users of bi-lingual dictionaries. They quickly become familiar with the concept of translation - recognizing that phrases and sentences cannot be translated literally.
Homework is vital to reinforcing classroom learning and building both memory and confidence, as well as encouraging organization, time management and independent learning.
Pupils are expected to at first borrow received language to communicate. This begins with simple facts about themselves and others and progressed to expressing and justifying personal opinions. They are encouraged to ask questions of others in the Target Language and to build up a range of varied language including how to discuss different frames. They apply their knowledge of vocabulary and skills in grammar to achieve increasing accuracy in spoken and written forms, as they get close to starting GCSE.
Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11 pupils build on their work in Key Stage 3 to prepare for the AQA GCSE which culminates in 4 skills exams covering 8 (specific) Modules across 3 (broad) Themes. Each is worth 25% of their final Grade and students are entered at either Foundation Tier (up to Grade 5) or Higher Tier (if proficient from Grade 6). MFL CGSEs are being revised for teaching from 2024, examination in 2026.
¡Vamanos! – Let’s go!