Secondary Team

Mrs C Bamford

Assistant Headteacher 
SLT, History and World Views Teacher
Special Educational Needs Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO)
Y11 Form Tutor

Mrs S Ward

Geography, Religious Studies (RS)
Y10-Y11 Citizenship Teacher 
SLT, Deputy Fire Marshall, Examinations Offcer, Educational Trips Coordinator
Y11 Form Tutor

Mr A Fisher

Art, Design Technology (DT) & Computing Teacher
PE Coordinator
Y7 Form Tutor 

Mrs C Tollett

Y7-Y9 History, Geography, World Views & English Teacher 
Y7 Form Tutor

Mrs H Henry

English Teacher
Y8 Form Tutor 

Mr D Newberry

Teaching Assistant  Music Teacher & Personal, Social, Health & Economics (PSHE)
Y8 Form Tutor

Mr S Hurst

Y7-Y9 Science / Y10-Y11 Chemistry & Physics 
PE Support Teacher, Deputy Fire Marshall
Y9 Form Tutor

Mrs J Coupe

Food & Nutrition and Y7-Y11
Y10-Y11 Biology Teacher

Y9 Form Tutor

Mrs Y Carson 

Spanish Teacher (and other MFL)
Y10 Form Tutor

Mr S Mackel

Maths Teacher
Y10 Form Tutor 

Mrs T Black

Teaching Assistant, Pastoral support: Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH)


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